I've been pretty busy lately which is why I haven't writen very much lately, sooooooooooooo i'll just write a little bit of everything.
First of all, I can't believe I forgot to upload this photo with my last post. Here is the proof that i'm in a Japanese call. Actually it was pretty had to get this picture since everyone kept running away. There's one girl that everyone keeps calling 'black' however she's barely tanned. Can you guess who she is? Seriously, you can't even tell from this picture.
Ok, next point. I sunday I went with my aunt and uncle to Yokohama. (I didn't even know I had an aunt and uncle in Japan until I came here two years ago.) We went to china town, which was kind of disappointing since I came here to learn about JAPANESE culture, but all people there had japanese mannerisms even though they were Chinese. I also saw this amazing acrobat guy peform.
After that we went to the 'land mark' building which is suspost to be the tallest building in Japan. (The tallest tower is called 'Sky tree') The elevator went from level 1- level 69 in about 5 seconds. It went so fast that I could feel my ears suction cupped.
There was a massive heart inside where people wrote down love letters and tied it to the giant heart.
They also had caricature artists there and I portrate drawn.
Nothing too interesting has been happening at school. I think all the student have gotten use to me/ don't give a damn anymore. (This making friends thing is hard.) Anyway I joined the kendo club and now I have a massive bruse down my arm, but thats because the teacher thought I was good enough to join in with everyone.
Here's some random photos:
A pastry with strawberry chocolate inside of it . As nice as it looks It didn't taste that great and it had heaps of sugar. |
yummy, dried mangos :D |
A really yummy lemon tea. The good news is that it doesn't have any sugar so i'm actually allowed to drink it. |
Green tea chocolate chip cookies. I haven't tried them yet though. |
At school there is a bread vending machine (which is awesome) and I got a beef curry bread, and it tasted SO good, though I don't remember it having any beef. I don't have a picture because I ate it.
Thats all of the food photos.
I've been living here for a month thinking the sink was normal... |
but its actually a "Transformer" |
Also I'm still scared to use all the functions on the high tech android toilets (no photo) however the one thing i'm probably going to miss the most when I come back to Australia in July is... the heated toilet seats. (Especially since its going to be winter over there.) The toilet at my home stay even has a weird carpet thing on it. (I to scared to use it when I first came here)
As you've probably guessed, i'm avoiding my homework again so I should probably go do it now instead of talking about space age toilets.
cool beans, what date are you getting back?
i'm coming back on the 27th of july for the summer holidays. Also i need to extend my Visa.