So many things happened between yesterday and today that its hard to remember everything. This blog's not just for sharing things with you (people back home), but it also serves as a back up memory for my short attention span, so I've really got to get into the habit of writing things down before I forget them (-_-' )
All the exchange students went to the school on Monday morning and did a test. Because me and some other people are only there for 1 month as opposed to 6 months, we had to wait for two hours after the first group. Though boring, that time gave me a chance to meet two other Australians, Raelene and Dhru. It turns out that all the Australians (about 6?) come from Newcastle Uni, but none of us never met before.
After that we all went to the computer rooms to do an online French test to check our levels at French. It was SO hard, and I actually knew some French, so imagine what it was like for the people who knew nothing. ( oAo)<!!
Then while the long term students filled in forms, which took about 2 hours, Dhru, Raelene and I ended up going window shopping and studying French at a coffee shop, since we had noting to do.
That night there was also a party at one of the other students dorms. I don't usually like parties, but I though that it would be a good opportunity to meet new people. So some people from my dorm and I (Dhru from Australia, Ditz and Madara from Latvia, Ryan from America, Yoshi from Japan and Marco and Omma from Mexico... I think that was everyone?) left around 8 and walked to one of the other accommodation places, which is about 15-20 minutes away by foot and found the party. Just outside the building we meet a girl called Julia, who was also a student and had just arrived in France that night, however she wasn't able to get the key for her apartment until the morning. So we invited her to stay with us for the night until we got things sorted.
The apartment, where the party was held, was about 3 times the size of my room, however it still wasn't big enough for everyone. SO many people came to the party, it was crazy! I think there was about 40 or more people there that night, it was hard to tell. In the end people were going outside, since it was so crowded inside. I had no idea that there were so many exchange students here.
P.S There's more students... People from Australia, America, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Korea, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Europe. Uhhh, yeah... basically they come from everywhere.
The next day we started Project Management (8am everyday), which is also insanely hard. Why the hell am I actually studying this? I don't even know what I'm studying. The good news is... no one actually does. Wait is that good? That's actually pretty bad, since we're going to be doing group work. Hopefully I'll learn something in the end.
It's a bit awkward being the only Fine Arts student here, since this is a school, which specializes in engineering. A lot of people think i'm studying Finance when I say Fine Arts, so it's a good idea to learn to say it in different languages.
After Project Management we did a French Speaking test. Perhaps our computer test were so bad that they couldn't tell, or maybe they wanted to check if anyone guessed their way through the test... which I did. I actually got dropped down a level, but I'm happy. It's better to be in the right level and actually understand things, than to be ridiculously stupid in a really high class. There I meet some more students Somi, Hyeyun and Jyhwan from Korea and had lunch with them (including Yoshi from yesterday).
Then we had our first French class. My teacher was really nice and taught us how to ask people to spell their names and how to say the alphabet properly. It was a little bit easy, but that's ok. It's better to re-enforce the basics early on, other wise you're screwed!
After that they told us to meet up in the sports hall. Only a few students knew that we were doing sports and brought clothes to change in to, but the rest of us were pretty confused as to why we were called there. I think it was to give everyone the gym activity schedule (which starts after I leave), so basically its only useful for the long term students, but they let us play some sports even though we didn't have the right clothes, so that was good. I played badminton with Somi, Hyeyun and Juhwan first and then with Terry (from Hong Kong) and his friends.
I think everyone was probably confused since it was the first few days, so hopefully the organisation will improve though out the week as more people get accustom it school here. Anyway, I've got to go and look up some of the Project Management stuff for tomorrow, so see you!!!
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