I've come to realize that even though i've been learning Japanese for a few years now I don't really know anything. But the good news is, thats what i'm here for, to learn.
Today I got my school time table (picture below) and was thrown into a bunch of classes with other Japanese students. Everyday i'll have homeroom in the international room then have other classes with everyone else.
We had P.E today, but since I didn't bring my uniform I just sat by the side. Thought I'd never thought that there would be a day when I wanted to join in a P.E class, though its probably the side effect of doing absolutly noting for the last few months. In class I met a girl called 'Arisu' I think her name is pretty easy to remember since it sounds like 'Alice'
After that I had english class... From a Japanese person's perspective, it was pretty interesting seeing it taught the other way. In class I met some more girls called 'Yukina, Miyuki, Ondu, Yui and Izumi' it is so hard to remember all these Japanese names (especially when they tell you all at once.) Actually I already forgot the teacher's name ^_^'
At lunch time I had Soba noodles, the reason I keep eating noodles in school is because its the only thing I can understand thats on the menu. (hahahaha) Most of the menu is in kanji (chinese charcters) So then I look for word that are in katakana and hiragana (other japanese characters) However I still don't know what the food is since the only Japanese food i've every eaten (in Australia) are sushi and ramen. The good news is I sat with the girls I met in class instead of by myself like last week.
umm, what else?... Oh yeah, I had a free lesson in the computer room where I did some kanji practice. It was pretty boring.
Finaly... I have no idea what my last class was, all I know is that it had alot of kanji and reading, blablabla... So I just pretended to know what was going on and took notes that made no sence.
Then at the end of the day I had a special Japanese lesson, which is probably the equivalant to the "ESL" in australia. The teacher 'Yoko' sensei then gave me a year 1 primary school book on kanji. I think its super easy after doing Japanese for my HSC however its easy homework so I won't complain.
After that I had my first kendo lesson (at 4pm.) The teacher has a really cool voice, it sound like he's always talking into a megaphone. However I didn't understand a single thing he said... But I can figure out charades. He was teaching me the basics (which I already knew) but I figured "once you master the basics you can... do awesome stuff" so my technique good better :D
He said that I was 上手/ 'good at it.' So thats good, I think he wants me to enter a competition when the time comes, but my translation skill only got me so far. I finished at around 6:45pm and then went home. Honnestly I think I cou'd have done a more intense work out, but since I had to walk home/ go to school tomorrow. It was pretty good that I wasn't so tired......... i'm still normal tired though. Sooooooooooooo..... thats the end of this entry.