Sunday, May 8, 2011

8th may

Today I went to a shrine with my homestay mum... it probably doesn't count as going to church since its the wrong religion ^_^' (though i'm not really sure if it was buddhist or shinto.)
I was sort of farmiliar with what to do since I went to a shrine last time.  First there's a water fountan thing that you washed your hands in (cleansing?) then you chuck money into a thing-y and bow twice, clap twice, then bow once again.  I think you're suspost to prey somewhere in between all of that but I didn't for obvious reasons. Outside the shrine (which is called kishibojin ) there was a market place where all these people were selling their home made arts and crafts. 

After that we went to a 100 yen shop which is basically the same as our '$2 shop' except everything is actually 100yen/ $1.  The shelves don't even have price tags since everything is the same price, it was SO cheap.  Then we went grocery shopping and came home after.

edited 8:40pm

Because it's mothers day today we had sushi, pizza and cake.  It was yummy however I think the pizza in australia tastes better.  I had to expain to my family that it was weird eating nigiri (rice with a huge piece of raw fish on top) so I just had a little but of it.

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